Dr. Troy T. Johnson, PhD

As he is affectionately known, Pastor Troy is the continuing legacy of a strong Christian family. His father, Felix Johnson, is an ordained Deacon, and his mother, Rev. Audrey Johnson, is an ordained preacher and pastor. He was born and raised in New Orleans, LA. In 1986, Pastor Troy was called to the preaching ministry at the Beacon Light Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Kirk Byron Jones. Shortly after, he moved to New York and served as an associate minister at Saint Paul Community Baptist Church in Brooklyn. He stayed there for nine years under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Johnny Ray Youngblood. While in New York, he worked as a substance abuse counselor, a substance abuse intervention specialist for the New York School System, and the Director of Youth Empowerment for the Boys and Girls Club of America.
Dr. Johnson returned to the New Orleans community in 1995 and earned a Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology and Audiology from Southern University at New Orleans. He attended New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, pursuing a Master of Divinity and a Master of Art in Counseling until Hurricane Katrina caused him to relocate to Houston. During his time in New Orleans, Pastor Troy taught in the Orleans Parish School System, worked as an HIV/AIDS Case Manager, and served as an associate minister at Christian Unity Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Dwight Webster. In 1999, Dr. Johnson founded the Deliverance Community Baptist Church and instituted a peer review curriculum for young preachers, dubbed “The Preacher’s Clinic,” and later changed to the Dr. Johnny Ray Youngblood and Rev. Audrey Johnson preaching clinic. He served his congregation, colleagues, and the community as Senior Pastor of the Deliverance until August 2005.
Due to the devastation caused by Katrina in New Orleans, Pastor Troy and many of his family members relocated to Houston. In July 2009, Pastor Johnson organized a new fellowship, The Fresh Start Community Church of Houston, Texas. Dr. Troy is also on staff at the Windsor Village United Methodist Church, where he serves as a life coach and pastoral care provider under the leadership of Dr. Kirbyjohn Caldwell and Pastor Suzette Caldwell.
Dr. Johnson completed a BS in speech pathology and audiology at Southern University in New Orleans. He also completed a Master of Art in Counseling, a Master of Divinity from Houston Graduate School of Theology, and a Master of Science from Walden University. Pastor Troy completed his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Walden University in August 2024. He has been blessed to work in the mental health field for over 30 years and finds immense joy in working with people, helping them reach their full potential. Currently, Dr. Johnson is a Postdoctoral Fellow at The Adolescent Center.
Dr. Johnson is a highly regarded revivalist, lecturer, life coach, and counselor. He has traveled extensively, preaching the good news of Jesus Christ, and compelling the lost to come to Christ. His peers highly respect him as a seasoned colleague; he has had the opportunity to teach on various community-related issues in both secular and spiritual arenas. He is known for his rich, vibrant preaching and working with hurting people. Pastor Johnson believes the Church is God’s greatest weapon to fight poverty, self-hatred, hunger, and ignorance.
Dr. Johnson is a member of Phi Mu Alpha Music Fraternity and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. Of all of Pastor Johnson’s accomplishments, his most important and proudest roles are father, grandfather, son, and pastor.